Bishop James Dispensary
The number of patients served every month at this dispensary is 250. Out of that 110 patients for outpatient services; and 140 patients for reproductive and child health services and prevention from mother to child (PMCTC) care and family planning services. Five (5) health providers that include 1 clinician, 2 nurses, 1 laboratory technician, and 1 receptionist provide services at this dispensary. The common diseases include urinary tract infections (UTIs), upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), malaria, worm infestation, anaemia, pneumonia, sexual transmitted diseases (STDs), surgical conditions, hypertension, and asthma.
The concept of spreading the mission of the church to the community through health ministry was promoted in 2016 by the Tunduru parish leadership, including the Rev. Canon Dunstan Mbangwe, priest in-charge and Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaisi, assistant priest. The concept gained momentum as Dr. Mwamanda and Dr. Geoffrey Malawi provided technical advice and necessary supervision for construction of the dispensary, which was completed in October and was officially registered on 8th November 2019.
The Diocese is responsible for operating the dispensary. Even the staff salaries are being covered by the Diocese as the staff were recruited by the Diocesan Health Committee.