NGO Partnerships
The Diocese of Masasi has longstanding experience and capacity of implementing long term programs supported by national and international partners/donors.
These have included, over recent years:
Integrated Community Development Program (1991 – 1995) which was co-funded by EZE and Bread for the World - Germany;
Community Based Health Care (1995 – 2000), funded by PWRDF;
Community Health, Environment and Nutrition Initiative (2005 – 2009), funded by PWRDF;
Preventive Health and Food Security (2012 – 2017), co-funded by PWRDF and Global Affairs Canada;
All Mothers and Children Count (2012 – 2020), co-funded by PWRDF and Global Affairs Canada;
Covid-19 (2020), extension of AMCC, co-funded by PWRDF and Global Affairs Canada;
Kilwa Flood Relief (2020), funded by Canadian Foodgrains Bank; and
WASH (2021 - Present), funded by Grille Foundation.