The Diocese owns one hundred and seventy six (176) acres of land diocese at Namasakata village, which is located on the south-east corner of Tunduru district, about 15kms from Tunduru town.

This land was bought by the church in 1930 to house St. Cyprian's College.  Since the theological college was moved to its present site in Rondo in 1960, the land has been used intermittently for farming activities.

In 2018, Bishop Almasi initiated a funding drive to raise money for a secondary school for girls on fifty acres of the site, to be called St. Catherine’s.

Receiving quality education that empowers girls, remains a challenge in the diocese especially in rural areas. Students walk for hours to attend schools, which leaves girls vulnerable to sexual and physical violence. Many rural girls want to go to schools and study as much as they could so that they could graduate, find jobs, and support themselves and their families, but they lack access.

The families that have money for schooling tend to prioritize the education of boys over girls. In recognising the equal right to quality education of everyone (boys and girls), in 2015 the diocese decided to construct a girls’ boarding secondary school to address critical issues of girls’ access to schooling and secondary education. The school is named St. Catherine’s Girls Secondary School and is located at Namasakata village about 15kms from Tunduru town - Ruvuma region.

Currently, two buildings have been built, which will accommodate six classrooms and 270 students (45 students for each classroom) . Other buildings that have been built include two dormitories 90 students, three staff houses, two staff toilets and two lavatories for students. The future plan is to complete the remaining buildings including administration block, library and a block for science subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) as well as Business subjects (Commerce and Bookkeeping) as a priority for the school. The registration process for the school is still going on.